Wednesday, September 26, 2012

                                                                 Las Loma Del Nance

September 25

I am so blessed to be able to spent time talking with men and women who long to see God change their lives and their communities.  God is active among His creation drawing men and women to Himself.  Yesterday Joe, Josue, Heilyn, and I went to Las Loma Del Nance.  

Las Loma del Nance is a community that sits on a plateau above the river below the hydro electric plant outside Jinotega.  To get there you go down into the valley, cross the river, and head back up the mountain on the other side.  Las Loma is a quiet farming community of approximately 250 people.  
There we met with Marciel.  Marciel is a community leader who we meet last January during our medical clinic.  In January Marciel shared with us his desire to see God change his community.  The closest church to him is an hour walk down hill which becomes a two hour walk home.  Since January, he has been hosting a bible study group in his home two or three weeks a month.   Marciel is not a trained pastor or teacher, he is just a passionate believer with a burdened for his community.  We are going to be working together to establish a new faith community and to meet the physical need of clean water.  During the months of March and April the community is often without water and the rest of the year they receive clean drinking water every 8 days for two hours only, which they store in open barrels until the next 8 day cycle comes around.  Pray for us as we work together to find the best solution for  reliable access to clean drinking water. 

                                                                              Dan, Josue, Marciel, and Heilyn

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Since our last post the Tennessee Three have gone home and are working to prepare for their return trip in March.  All of us at HMC enjoyed getting to know the T3 gang and we are looking forward to a long and productive ministry together in the future.  It is exciting to be apart of God's work here among the people of Nicaragua and to meet all those that He brings across our path, serving together in His Kingdom purposes.

Things have been busy for the HMC crew over the past few weeks.  We have begun work on our website to replace the place holder site some of you may have used to get here!  We are excited about what Angela and the crew from Veugeler Design Group are putting together.  We hope to have the new site up before the holidays.   As you can see above, we have our new logo!  We are working to coordinate future ministry and to create a place were HMC can communicate easily with others as we journey together in God's redemptive story. 

At Celebration, our home church, we are in a new sermon series on Exodus.  In preparing for the series I found a study on Exodus by Scot Grant from Peninsula Bible Church.  His introduction focused on the fact that for the children Israel God's plan and purpose would not be thwarted. As the book of Exodus opens Israel is but a remnant, 70 in total, but the Lord makes them to multiply and increase in numbers greatly to the point that the Egyptians become fearful.  Pharaoh begin to enact various measures to stop the growth of the Children of Israel but God's purpose is greater and the tribes continue to increase.  I feel that God is doing something similar with the path of Highlands Mission Cooperative.  Once we focused on doing what we knew God was leading us to do, focusing on the ministry to the people, He began to open doors and  bring together ministry partnerships to accomplish his purpose at the same time bringing to life some of our vision for ministry.  

         One of our dreams was a ministry base that would house teams and provide a launching point for all of our ministry arms.  God has lead us to a lot in the city of Jinotega who's owner is a friend of our ministry.  Pray for us as we raise funds to purchase this property. 
         He has brought us together with the architectural firm Lyman Davidson Dooley from Marietta GA.  who is providing the preliminary designs at no cost.
        He has brought along side of us ministry partners to help fulfill our dream of helping to coordinate  the ministry efforts going on in and around the are area so that all of the ministries could not only work together but also collectively increase our reach into the local community.

All of these things were unsolicited.  Just by sharing God's amazing story and being willing to make ourselves available to serve, He is providing for His redemptive work.  

Please join with us as we seek to serve the people of Nicaragua.  Browse this blog for the various ways we can serve together.  Check out our Facebook page at Mission Cooperative, there you can follow the links to donate if God is leading you to support these efforts financially.  Ask questions at  We encourage you to find out what God is doing and then join Him in his redemptive story.  Be apart of the abundant living Jesus came to offer.

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”